Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drum Roll

New Solo Work by AKAT Illustrations 
Show & Sell at Space 39 in Ft. Myers, Florida
Monday, September 5, 2011
6pm-2am Open Bar and Gallery
Join the fun.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Decks for Sale

Music Walk in Ft. Myers tonight was a blast.  If you're still in the neighborhood, be sure to check out my boards for sale at the SyZyGy Gallery :)  Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.

"Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy."
     *harmless untruths

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Deck design I was going to use a while back.  Think I'm gonna work this style back into my repertoire.  Look out propriety.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sneak Peak!

Here's a teaser sketch of a new horse-based series I'm doing.  Title still TBA. 

The concept for this series evolved from a much smaller idea I had this morning, stemming from childhood memories of spending time with my dad when he came home from work.

My brother and I used to bounce on his bed and talk with him while my dad changed his socks and washed up and did whatever he had to do to freshen up before dinner.  In the corner of the room there was a pair of shoe trees (I linked this up for those of you who might have forgotten what shoe trees look like!). 

While my dad untied his work shoes, my brother and I would fight over who's turn it was to put the wooden trees in the shoes.  Whenever I got to do it, I would take them and pretend they were horses' hooves and would make the sounds and motions of the different gaits on the floor (walk, trot, canter, gallop, dressage, etc.). 

I wanted to make this innocent imaginative thing into a drawing, but after doing some anatomy sketches of horses' legs I began to notice they were very long and shapely -just like mine!  And so I dropped the shoe tree idea (for now) and began concentrating on the poses and strength in the steps horses take.  My reference horses are from a book I had from when I was a kid where most of the horses are working, doing fancy footwork, or are wearing show gear.  Get ready for a fun series.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Strike Up the Band

Here's a little illustration I did for Broken Pencil, a zine from Toronto, Canada.  Check out other great stuff from BP here at http://www.brokenpencil.com/ .

I apologize for the low photo-quality; I'm about to drive to the airport to get myself up to NY for my Nana's 90th Birthday Bash.  Flocks of Chormans from the world over will congregate in the one place where it all started: Staten Island.  Now I have some reading material for the plane ride :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Men In Gray Suits

Happy Shark Week Everybody!

     Today I finally bought a tablet (not the ipad kind, the original kind!).   I went with a small Wacom Bamboo, and surprisingly it works great, and does exactly what I need it to do!  I was a little worried about it being so tiny, but I guess it turns out that sometimes size doesn't matter, and in this case I got more than I expected for the right price.
     I decided to try it out and make a shark piece.  My inspiration for this was a saying that surfers have when the day looks sharky.  To avoid scaring visitors and families, instead of saying out loud "there's sharks in the water", they'll say "there's men in gray suits out here today".  I decided to put them in business suits instead.