Monday, January 31, 2011

10 Points for Gryffindor

Test print,  dry point on plexi.  Bigger one of a sloth on it's way!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Magazine Article Update

First thing's first: listen to these kids:
Then, if you like them, download these demos:

Okay, you did it?  Good.  Now look at this:

It's the latest version of my illustration for the "Cameras Watching Over You" article.  Kind of like a project 2.0.  More moody than the other one, more fun to make.

Butttt, it's another gorgeous day, so I'm logging off to go visit the park!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

bowie saturday

Happy Saturday everyone!  Tuesday's Gone (the song!), beautiful weather's rolling in, bike rides are in order!  Skype-ing with Ralph was insanely pleasant, he was very fun to listen to (and he's definitely not as grouchy as people make him out to be, he's a nice old man!). 

He showed us a ton of his work and did a little demo for us.  We also learned how to play teapots, be ourselves, and do whatever we think of without questioning whether it's a good idea.  Great, great man, can't wait for the next Skype! <3

Small update today, a little portrait of Ziggy Stardust I've been working on today for Type & Image.  Our assignment is to make a portrait of someone famous out of letters.  Here he is so far:

Nifty, huh?  Just an exercise, no grade, but took a buttload of time for such a little project.
Any who, keep checking back for more stuff, this weekend's producing a lot!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quick little post-it

Hey guys!  Here's the latest scoop.  Been doing lots of fun things in printmaking (images coming soon to a computer by you!), including working with esteemed Print Master Tanja Softic.  Her work is (to say the least) kind of awesome, and she has a beautiful way of working in layers with shapes and color.  A lot of her work has imagery of plants, star constellations, black holes, and Nicola Tesla -sounds like my kind of thing!

Today we helped her proof giant prints, and we got to be her little apprentices and hand press ink into areas of her plates.  Now all our fingerprints are in her prints. Pretty frickin' cool!

Speaking of famous people, did I mention that I'm skype-ing with Ralph Steadman on Friday?  WHAT? I DIDN'T? Oh, well then let me tell you about it.  Ralph Steadman is pretty much my favorite illustrator ever, and SIC's arranged a little skype date with a group of us SCAD artists and the Man.  He's going to give us assignment to do, we go do it, and then we get to skype with him a second time for him to critique our work.  I could pee my pants with excitement.  

Here's his site: 

And here's what I got lined up next for portfolio, a magazine article that I found in the New York Times that has to do with technology gettin' a little crazy.  The article was basically about how computer cameras are going to be used in penitentiaries to stop prison fights before they even happen by using face-recognition software that can monitor people's heart rates just by looking at their faces.  Oh, and in hospitals too to monitor patients.  And movie theaters.  And schools and playgrounds.  Very interesting article, read here for a good bit of information:

I could go on forever talking about the article and it's pro's and con's, but here's the image my class suggested I come up with:

So there's that.  And I hope you all watched Castle on Monday :p

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meat Alphabet

Yup, that's what you read, a whole alphabet -made of MEAT.  Delicious.

Here's some letters!

 And individuals!  See if you can guess the meats and their letters :)

I want to make the whole alphabet one day, but we only needed 4-6 letters for class.  Here's what they might look like:

Time to go watch the playoff game, winner goes to the superbowl! J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!

Big Bat Brew

Been up to a lot this week, make up MLK day on Friday and all.  So I've started doing layouts and such for my Big Bat Brew.  Here's what I got so far:

Front of the box.  Image needs lots of tweaking (bat hues needs to pop more, bottle on bottom need to look more like a pile of bottles, overall blue colors make the pale ale look like a blueberry beer, etc.) but I'm happy with where it's going so far. 

Breaking into these babies today for the Jets game; I can always buy a new pack for the new labels ;) .  But here's a picture just to show you the overall layout of how things will go.

Feedback would be appreciated, comment down below!  

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to School!

Back to school, back to blogging!  Hope everyone had a great break, ate lots of good food, and is ready to bring in a new year of amazing art and good times!

I haven't posted in a while because I spent most of break working instead of creating.  I'm not complaining though, it's nice to make money, but now I definitely know that I want to spend my future making money by doing something I love, and have a big appreciation for having the chance to do so.

On my lunch breaks and nights where the store got slow, I was able to get a little sketching in.


Here's the first page of my brand new moleskin (I love the feeling of a new sketchbook!).  First I had drawn a naive seagull wing with a pen, but after a few days I decided that I didn't like it anymore, so I took some ink and dumped it on top.  Much better.  Kind of.  After a few days of avoiding the ink spot, I thought a bone would look nice on top of it, like a femur.  Yeahh, a femur!  Google showed me lots of pictures, but none of its femoral imagery really grabbed me.  So then I typed in "bison femur", and bingo!  A short, stout leg bone that would be able to fit in the confinements of my note book.   Done!

Another night at work I *gasp* snuck my little sketchbook onto the sales floor.  No one was interested in buying perfume at a quarter to midnight, so I drew little cartoons of my sales items instead:

I'm partial to the J'adore Dior bottle.

I'm excited to be back in Savannah, and ready to bang out some killer pieces.  This quarter I'm taking three studios; Portfolio, Printmaking, and Type & Image for Illustrators.  Lots of work, but I have a feeling a lot of great stuff will come out of that combination of classes.

Keep checking back for more art, because there'll be plenty coming your way!